We are a growing community of choirs who believe that the joy of singing is a universal birthright, and that together, regardless of musical background, we can help improve the world by joining voices in song. 

We believe that:

  • singing is an essential human birthright and a powerful source of energy and connection. 
  • singing together is a potent tool for building community 
  • singing in harmony teaches us to celebrate diversity, and to practice deep listening 

“I am, because you are. I need you to be you so that I can be me. A choir is a choir only because its different parts work together harmoniously. Yes, a person truly is a person only through other persons. God bless you in your noble endeavour.” Archbishop Desmond Tutu, regarding the Ubuntu Choirs Network


  • inclusive (open to people from all walks of life, all cultures, faiths, abilities)  
  • non-auditioned (all voices are welcome: given the right conditions, all can learn to sing in tune and in harmony)  
  • community-focused (singing to build community rather than primarily for performance)  
  • socially engaged (actively involved in supporting local and global communities through vocal outreach and fund-raising concerts)  

Chris is a 2015 graduate of the Community Choir Leadership Training taught by Siobhan Robinsong and Denis Donnelly in Victoria, BC.

“Music for me is like a spiritual journey down into the depths of my soul. And I like to think we’re all on a journey into our souls. What’s down there? That’s why I do what I do.”—Bobby McFerrin

I am deeply indebted to these talented and generous teachers:    

Siobhan Robinsong & Denis Donnelly (Community Choir Leadership Training)    
Anne Brownell and Christine Isherwood (Voice Movement Therapy)    
Rhiannon (Vocal Improvisation) and Bobby McFerrin (Circle Singing)
Amanda Mabro (Voice)  


The right to sing, like the right to eat, is a birthright

My Mom loved to cook, eat and entertain. To Mom, crafting a fine meal was an art. In our home, what brought people together – bridging differences in age, gender, opinion, culture, religion and language – was Mom's delicious and beautifully presented food. It was an expression of love

photo: krakenimages

My passion is music and my instrument of choice, is the voice. Singing and songwriting are my expressions of love and life. I’ve sung in places where people dressed, spoke and had customs or political views very different to my own. Music has always been a bridge, a language that transcends these differences. Music is a connector.  I agree with author/coach, Brené Brown, when she says, "Connection is why we're here. We are hardwired to connect with others, it's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives."

As for the kitchen, my dream version is a warm, inviting place where friends new and old gather around the big harvest table, savour food that has been prepared with love, and enjoy good company. That’s why I called this choir The Song Kitchen Choir (which incidentally began in my kitchen). Singers of all abilities are welcome. On the menu are an eclectic mix of soul-stirring and mood-elevating Trad and Contemporary Folk, Pop, Gospel and songs from Around the World. The shyest of singers will be encouraged to choose a spot, and sing along, encouraged by those who are more confident. We create beautiful harmony together. We spice it up with laughter and tears. We leave feeling better than when we arrived, restored and rejuvenated by the music and the camaraderie.