The Song Kitchen Community Choir – a non-auditioned a capella community choir

Whether on Zoom or in person, my  aim is to offer you:

  • soul-satisfying songs

  • a weekly dose of fun

  • 90-minutes of stress release

  • a sense of belonging

  • encouragement to sing with your whole body


Singing is a great way to release physical and emotional tension; increase your sense of well-being; contribute to resilience; improve cardio vascular and respiratory health; alleviate muscle tension and physical aches and pains; enhance your listening skills; improve general alertness; and elevate endorphins (the feel-good hormone). 

 "Pour moi c'est une première expérience et j'aime beaucoup la façon dont le cours est offert.  Votre belle énergie est bien appréciée!" Pauline, Wakefield choir member

Singing is always good medicine, but especially when in Good company!

It's an hour and a half of learning, listening, laughing and having fun. Pure joy. Much better than yoga for relaxation!! Pam, Wakefield choir member


Registration for the 9-weeks FALL 2024 Song Kitchen Choir opens in mid-August. 

TUESDAYs 12:30 – 2PM – at Woodroffe United Church, OTTAWA starting Sept 17 – Nov 19, 2024 (no choir on Oct 15)

WEDNESDAYS 12:30 – 2PM at Centre Wakefield La Pêche (Gwen Shea Hall), Wakefield, QC starting Sept 18 – Nov 20, 2024 (no choir on Oct 16)


"You make people feel relaxed, even if they don’t think they can sing."  Trish, Ottawa choir member 

Everything is taught by ear.  

We sing in unison, harmony & round; in a variety of styles including Contemporary Folk/Roots, World, Pop and Gospel.  

We move to the groove!

"You bring us into our bodies first, help us get out of our heads and into the experience of BEING and singing together." 
Emma, Wakefield choir member

Think you can't sing? Worried you'll 'wreck' it for everybody else? Come and try it out. You'll be welcome. This choir is about community as much as it's about singing!

All participants must register in advance.

For more information please contact Chris.

"I used to think I was a tonally abrasive liability...but it just feels so good. I am starting to believe I sound good enough...and that it is "my birthright"! Choir is a really healing, soul-lifting experience."  Laura, Ottawa choir member